Photo Astrid di Crollalanza

I am a junior professor of practical philosophy (tenure-track W1-W3) at Freie Universität in Berlin. My primary research is in political philosophy, feminist philosophy, and moral philosophy. I also work on 20th century French philosophy and philosophy of social sciences, especially economics

My first book, We Are Not Born Submissive: How Patriarchy Shapes Women's Lives was first published in French as On ne naît pas soumise, on le devient by Flammarion in 2018. I authored an English version published by Princeton University Press. It has also been translated in German, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Turkish, and Italian. 

My second book, The Joy of Consent: A Philosophy of Good Sex was published in French as La Conversation des sexes: Philosophie du consentement by Flammarion in 2021. The English version was published by Harvard University Press in October 2023. Translations in Italian, German, and Slovenian have been published and translations in Polish, Spanish, Dutch, Chinese, and Indonesian are forthcoming. It won the Prix 2022 of the Rencontres philosophiques de Monaco. 

I also edited a reader of feminist philosophy entitled Textes-clés de philosophie féministe: Patriarcat, savoirs, justice and published by Vrin in 2021. 

Born and raised in France, I am a former student of the École Normale Supérieure and received my Ph.D. in Philosophy from the Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. I held positions as an Edmond J. Safra Fellow-in-Residence at Harvard, a Harper-Schmidt Fellow at the University of Chicago, a Junior Fellow at the Harvard Society of Fellows, and an assistant professor of philosophy at Yale University.